PTA - Parent Teacher Association

At Northchapel Primary & Pre School we have an active, friendly, enthusiastic parent-teacher association which consists of a group of parents who work together to raise funds by organising fun school community events. By doing this, we can enrich the resources available to our children at school and connect parents and teachers so we can work closely together.
What do we do?
Raise funds and support our school - we raise money for the school to benefit our children whilst creating fun events we can all enjoy. Money raised contributes towards projects on our school grounds, including our on-site swimming pool, school trips, equipment, books, learning aids and much more.
Our yearly events include our Summer Fair, Colour run, Christmas Fair, Christmas school Santa visit, Christmas lunch and presents, School disco, book week, 5k fun run, Bonfire night, scrub and grub and lots more.
We keep you regularly informed of upcoming events and how much we raise.
We are always pleased to see new faces and welcome any involvement within our PTA. All parents with children at the school are automatically members, and we welcome you to be as involved as you want. If you wish to make suggestions or volunteer to help with any events, please do get in contact with us. Our PTA members, class reps, extended family members, family friends all getting involved play a large part in the success of our PTA along with school staff and governors.
Our 2024/2025 committee:
Chair-Katy Brown
Secretary-Hettie Kaighin
Treasurer-Laura Green
We just ordered our free charity banner from banner buzz