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Choir and Singing

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Singing is something we love to do at Northchapel and we get told how super the singing is at our school by visitors all the time. We work with a lovely music teacher called Mrs Anneli James, who has worked with us now for over 10 years. Mrs James teaches individual piano and singing lessons each week to many of the children in school. She encourages the children to work towards external music exams, and many achieve merits and distinctions. Parents can book lessons for their children with Mrs James, but also with her daughter, Ms Danica James, who can teach violin and cello in school.  Details of how to book and the school fees are available from the school office.

The school choir meet once a week to practice. They have been invited locally to sing at Carol concerts in the local village church. 

Once a year, all the children who take part in music in school, perform in our Music Concert. This is a wonderful evening where each child performs to an audience of family and friends, supported and encouraged by Mrs James.